Michael Philip-搜索结果

  • 亿万富翁 The Billionaire

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Michael Philip   编剧:Gehan Cooray, 萧伯纳

    主演:乔丹·贝尔菲, 兰迪·韦恩, 戴维·桑托斯, Heather Tom, Gehan Cooray, 斯潘塞·斯奎尔, Kit Chester, Brian Scott Carleton, Derek Carley

      Victor Ognisanti di Parerga is the richest young South Asian heir in the United States. He seems to be the ultimate narcissist, but is in fact quite the old-fashioned romantic at heart. His late, beloved father had set daunting conditions for anyone who wished to marry Victor. His first spouse had passed the test, but their marriage has since collapsed, and they are both seeing...

  • 去死吧!性感 Drop Dead Sexy


    导演:Michael Philip   编剧:

    主演:Brad Dourif, Xander Berkeley, Lin Shaye
